Connexient rolls out Medinav 3.0 Navigator Edition

Connexient rolls out Medinav 3.0 Navigator Edition

Connexient which is the healthcare leader in enterprise digital wayfinding , mapping and indoor navigation services set to roll out enhanced software version, MediNav Navigator 3.0.

Connexient’s MediNav Wayfinding and Patient Experience solution enables hospitals and healthcare networks to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, reduce missed or late appointments and improve HCAHPS scores.

The new MediNav Navigator 3.0 release is the most advanced indoor mapping and navigation solution available for hospitals, with the following product enhancements:

  • Synchronized Audio and Visual Prompts
  • “Nearest Me” feature
  • Route Distance Countdowns
  • Visual Landmark Photos
  • Multi-Campus Maps in Single Mobile Application
  • RTLS asset management

“We ended 2017 on a very positive note with 28 health system contracts, representing over 45 hospital locations and a total of 60 million square feet mapped. We are proud to be working with some of the most innovative health systems in the country, who are leveraging digital wayfinding and location-based services to improve the experience of their patients, visitors and even staff. The Riverside financing and partnership will help us continue our double-digit growth.”



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