The Human Microbiome is a hot bed for scientific innovation and represents a rapidly growing area of focus for nutritional companies. Rising consumer consciousness around personal healthcare and diet, coupled with substantial improvements in R&D is fuelling a new wave of products that promote human gut health and wellbeing. The global probiotics market is expected to be worth $64 Bn by 2024, an increase of $20bn from 2017.
Top 10 reasons to attend:
- Connect with and understand what leading nutrition, consumer health and CPG companies look for when forming strategic partnerships.
- Understand the key branding and business features that VCs and Investors look for when investing in the next wave of gut health products, and how to build an effective investment deck to support your company’s next round of fundraising.
- Discover the key ingredients leading health and wellness retailers seek for the next best-selling pre/probiotic products.
- Discover the latest advancements in personalized microbiome diagnostics and how these can be translated into nutrition programs and products.
- Understand the key business opportunities in the microbiome consumer nutrition space and how to capitalize on them.
- Expand your understanding of the modern health and wellness consumer, the language they understand and what they’ll buy.
- Apply the key take-aways from world leading microbiome consumer nutrition companies who have successfully branded and marketed their products and grown their businesses.
- Discover the latest and most innovative scientific microbiome developments and how these can be utilized to develop the next generation of commercially successful consumer products.
- Develop your understanding of regulatory considerations for microbiome-based products to improve the quality of your product’s claims and overcome regulation challenges.
- Understand the timing and cost realities of bringing a gut probiotic to market and utilize this knowledge to efficiently release your next product.