Antimicrobial resistance, leading to the development of superbugs, is a major threat to public health and continues to increase as a problem, due to continued misuse of antibiotics. With pharmaceutical companies showing less focus on the development of new antibiotics, several incentive initiatives have been set up – CARBX, BARDA, IMI (EU) – in order to encourage reinvestments.
To address the ever-growing need of informative and thought-provoking discussions, Superbugs & Superdrugs USA conference will offer a jam-packed agenda with presentations from key industry leaders and up-and-coming thinkers, within the field.
This years’ Superbugs & Superdrugs USA conference programme will help participants to learn about pathogen focused drug development; discover the best methods to overcome bacterial resistance through novel modes of action; discuss the state of developments within the antifungal space; develop an understanding of funding opportunities which support antibacterial research and development; gain insight into new techniques through case-study examples of rapid diagnostic methods currently being used within the field, making this event the perfect platform to strengthen knowledge in key principles.
Speakers include:
- Anthony Simon Lynch, Senior Scientific Director, Janssen
- William Weiss, Director, Pre-Clinical Services, UNT Health Science Center
- Tina Guina, Program Officer, Drug Development Section, NIAID/NIH
- Mark Albrecht, Project Officer, HHS/ASPR/BARDA
- Antonio DiGiandomenico, Principal Scientist, MedImmune
- Andrew Tomaras, VP & Director of Microbiology, Bacterioscan
- Dan Pevear, Sr Vice President & Director of Microbiology, VenatoRx
- Ian Friedland, Clinical Consultant, ex-CMO, Achaogen
Plus, topical workshops on November 14:
- Rapid diagnostics for drug resistance: Are we there yet?
- Avoiding the post antibiotic era: the challenges and solutions to successful commercialisation of new antibiotics
Further details at
Twitter – @SMIpharm & #smibugs
LinkedIn – SMi Pharma