Insight into the Latest Developments in Oligonucleotide Delivery Systems

Insight into the Latest Developments in Oligonucleotide Delivery Systems

SMi Reports: A Focus Day has been added to SMi’s RNA Therapeutics Conference, which will highlight the recent developments in “Oligonucleotide Delivery Systems.”

SMi Group are proud to present the new RNA Therapeutics Focus Day – Oligonucleotide Delivery Systems. The Focus Day will be held on the 18th of February 2020 and will present sessions that showcase a myriad of delivery approaches such as: optimising nanoparticle delivery to treat cancer and fibrosis; a review of common NA-LNP tolerability concerns to improve safety of nucleic acid therapeutics and the utility of light-triggered liposomes for retinal delivery.

In addition to this, delegates will have the opportunity to network with Global Product Managers, Heads of Drug Development, Senior Directors, Heads of Research and Development and many more.

As the only RNA therapeutics conference to dedicate a focus day to exploring developments and innovations in oligonucleotide delivery systems, the Oligonucleotide Delivery Systems Focus Day is a key diary date for those in the industry.

An early bird savings of £400 is available to those who register by 31st October. Register now at:

Focus Day Highlights:

Optimising Nanoparticle mediated delivery of siRNAs to treat cancer and fibrosis

  • Presenting a polypeptide nanoparticle mediated delivery system for siRNA therapeutics to treat cancer and fibrosis
  • The benefits of the ability to deliver multiple siRNAs within the tumour microenvironment
  • Leveraging this capability to improve outcomes with Immune Checkpoint inhibitors
  • Improved GMP manufacturing approaches using microfluidics for clinical development

David Evans, CSO, Sirnaomics

Addressing the challenge of chronic dosing via traditional LNPbased delivery for mRNA therapeutics

  • Clinical appeal of lipid nanoparticle delivery systems and other competing modes of delivery
  • Challenges in production and screening of LNP candidates for effective translation to biotherapeutics
  • Complications of chronic dosing and acceptable tolerability profiles
  • Showcasing the development of a tolerable subcutaneous administration of mRNA via functionalised LNPs

Shalini Andersson, Chief Scientist New Therapeutic Modalities, AstraZeneca

Exploring the development and progress of BioNTech mRNA therapeutic delivery platforms

  • BioNtech’s approach to mRNA therapeutic delivery
  • The mRNA oncology delivery platform
  • Targeting the immune system via modified mRNA-encoding antigens
  • Progress in protein-based replacement therapies to treat rare disease
  • Current opportunities and challenges

Heinrich Haas, VP RNA Formulation & Drug Delivery, BioNTech

Download the brochure and full programme from the event website at

RNA Therapeutics
Focus Day: 18th February 2020
Conference: 19th – 20th February 2020
Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK

Proudly sponsored by:
ChemGenes | Thermo Fisher Scientific

Contact Information:

For media enquiries contact Alia Malick on +44 (0)20 7827 6168

For all delegate enquiries, contact Hakam Panum on +44 (0)20 7827 6128

About SMi Group:

Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities. We create and deliver events in the Defence, Security, Energy, Utilities, Finance and Pharmaceutical industries. We pride ourselves on having access to the world’s most forward-thinking opinion leaders and visionaries, allowing us to bring our communities together to Learn, Engage, Share and Network. More information can be found at

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