3rd Annual B & T Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Disease Drug Development Summit

The 3rd Annual B & T Cell-Mediated Autoimmune Disease Drug Development Summit is the only industry-led forum focused on the therapeutic opportunity of drugs directed against B-cell, plasma cell, and T-cell targets in autoimmunity.

Several drug approvals for B-cell directed therapies have made waves in autoimmune drug development. As investment and industry momentum increases, this summit will once again unite the movers and shakers of the B&T cell-mediated autoimmune space with the likes of Pfizer, Nurix, Regeneron, Gossamer Bio, and more.

Take a look at the 2022 program here.

Attending this summit is a unique opportunity to be involved in interactive discussions on:

  • Overcoming challenges of heterogeneity of disease models and demonstrating B cell activation in tissues
  • Emerging therapies including B-cell specific therapies, tolerizing approaches, small molecule drugs, engineered cell immunotherapy, B&T cell checkpoint targeting, FcRn inhibition, as well as PROTAC/degrader approaches
  • Therapeutic opportunities across both peripheral and tissue specific autoimmune diseases
  • Overcoming clinical challenges of treating B&T cell mediated autoimmune diseases through combinatorial regimens that target T-cell co-stimulation, leveraging autoantibody signatures to identify patient responders and discussing autoimmune disease biomarkers

As the space grapples with translational and early clinical drug development challenges, join this comprehensive forum 80+ key leaders and decision-makers to harness the immune system and conquer B&T cell mediated autoimmune diseases.

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