5th International Cannabinoid-Derived Pharmaceuticals Summit

Over the last half-decade, we have witnessed game-changing developments within the cannabinoid field, driving it into a new era of rigorous research, promising clinical trials and multimillion-dollar deals. Right now, there are 50 cannabinoid therapeutic trials taking place at phases 2 and 3, pushing for approval to meet the clinical needs of patients with chronic pain, cancer, psychiatric conditions and much more. Despite these positive changes and rapid industry growth there remains key challenges to overcome for drug developers regarding the human evidence gap, funding and changing regulation – to name just a few.

The 5th International Cannabinoid-Derived Pharmaceuticals Summit is uniting drug developers, investors, solution providers and academics from around the globe working to overcome these challenges and progress the field of cannabinoid therapeutics. 35+ expert speakers will lead sessions on critical topics across 3 days of presentations, panel discussions and interactive workshops in Boston.

Agenda highlights include:

  • Present a poster of your drug development pipeline at our investor networking session, and connect with the decision makers looking to fund promising cannabinoid therapeutics
  • Get the most up-to-date regulatory perspectives from the FDA and other organizations with Dominic Chiapperino (FDA) and Cassie Taylor
  • (FDA)
  • Produce and source high-purity cannabinoids from synthetic, plant-based and biosynthetic sources with Purisys, Kinetochem and our other world-leading partners
  • Hear from the key opinion leaders at the forefront of next-generation cannabinoid-derived pharmaceutical development including Alistair Vickery (Emyria), Brian Murphy (Former CEO of Emerald Bioscience) and Jeff Chen (Radicle Sciences)
  • Streamline successful late-stage clinical trials and be the next one across the finish line with a multi-format and highly interactive session with Sud Agarwal (Cannvalate)
  • Join 2 half-day workshops – one dedicated to bridging the gap between OTC and prescribed pharmaceuticals, and an additional behind-the-scenes workshop on the psychedelics field, preparing you for exploration into a new area
  • Connect with 80+ thought leaders and industry peers as they come together to drive discussion and progress across the 3-day event

The Summit focuses on the real science in the cannabinoid industry and is the only chance to connect with likeminded, analytical professionals looking to move the dial forward in this exciting space. Check out the event guide for the full agenda

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