FDA approves ground breaking treatment for Obstructive Sleep Disorders

Houston-based company specializing in dental sleep medicine and sleep apnea treatment, The Center for Craniofacial & Dental Sleep Medicine (CFDSM) assured that it has sought FDA clearance on its innovative new treatment for Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, The Meridian PM oral appliance.

It is to be noted that during sleep, the tongue, muscles of the soft palate and the uvula relax, that blocks the airway consequently leading to sleep disorder breathing. Estimates suggest that Sleep disorder breathing affects more than 42 million people annually, nationwide. In Houston alone, about 1.2 million people suffer from this disorder each year.

OSA leads to a myriad of issues namely fatigue, poor memory, concentration and performance, and nighttime symptoms like snoring, insomnia, and frequent awakening. CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a common treatment, featuring a mask and a pressurized breathing machine. The CPAP is not monitored, cumbersome, and users often become non-compliant. Many patients stop using the CPAP altogether.

Another notable treatment is the mandibular advancement device (MAD). This is a customized oral appliance created and modified by a dentist.  MADs hold the lower jaw in a forward position keeping the tongue away from the back of the throat opening the airway. However, this might lead to jaw pains and surgery eventually. To avoid this and come up with a more feasible solution, the Meridian PM eliminates the potential jaw pain and changes in the patient’s bite often experienced with traditional oral appliance therapy. It effectively treats snoring, OSA and associated breathing symptoms by stabilizing the lower jaw and training the tongue to stay forward, maintaining a clear upper airway during sleep. The natural result is a decrease in the frequency and duration of apneic and hypopnea events, including snoring.



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