TrialScope Launches Second Global Clinical Trial Disclosure Maturity

TrialScope Launches Second Global Clinical Trial Disclosure Maturity

TrialScope has announced the launch its second Clinical Trial Disclosure Maturity Survey for clinical trial sponsors to perform self-assessments of their disclosure practices.

The measurement tool, launched in 2015, tracks clinical trial disclosure trends, clinical trial requirements and trial sponsors’ current practices from across the life sciences industry. The assessment is designed to allow sponsors to identify their organization’s capabilities, recognize best practices and benchmark their capabilities against their peers.

Clinical trial sponsors seeking to participate in the 2017 Clinical Trial Maturity Assessment can access the tool here.

Upon completion of the assessment, sponsors will receive an evaluation relative to their peers, with all competitor data remaining anonymous. In addition, all participants will receive a report based on responses, which can be used to document current disclosure maturity and assess opportunities for improvement.

TrialScope CSO and Assessment Author, Thomas Wicks The Clinical Trial Disclosure Maturity Assessment has provided valuable insight into current disclosing practices and emerging trends. Using this tool, they have been able to identify shifts in disclosure focus, scope and capabilities and reflect them back to participating clinical trial sponsors for benchmarking purposes. The results help sponsors gauge their own performance and take advantage of their strengths while developing plans to address any gaps in their practices.

Over 50 clinical trial sponsors participated in the first assessment in 2015 and the results were published in a white paper titled, “Clinical Trial Reporting Compliance: Self-Assessment Survey Results from Pharma, Biotech, and Academic Trial Sponsors”.

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